Speaking Engagements

Lewis & Llewellyn in the Community: Beverly Hills Bar Association Presentation

Earlier this month, Lewis & Llewellyn attorneys Evangeline A.Z. Burbidge and Nitesh Daryanani presented a CLE on Strategic Litigation: Weighing the Pros and Cons of Jury Trials and Arbitration. for the Beverly Hills Bar Association. The two discussed a comprehensive framework for navigating jury trials and arbitration as methods for dispute resolution and tailoring litigation strategies to clients’ needs.


The webinar is now available for CLE credit and can be viewed here.

Speaking Engagements

Lewis & Llewellyn Attorneys Speak at PLI Pocket MBA and Pincus Annual Superior Court Boot Camp

As a supporter of continuing legal education, Lewis & Llewellyn attorneys recently spoke at two conferences.


Partner Paul Llewellyn was a featured speaker at PLI’s Pocket MBA 2024: Finance for Lawyers and Other Professionals last month.  The program is a two-day intensive program focused on finance for lawyers and other professionals.


Also last month, Partners Becca Furman and Brad Estes were featured speakers at Pincus Professional Education’s 19th Annual Superior Court Boot Camp: The Nuts and Bolts program.  Becca lectured on strategies and tips for motions for summary judgment (apropos of her recent victory) and Brad presented on best practices for “The Early Parts of your Case: Themes, Complaints, Answers, and More.”  On demand streaming is available here.

Speaking Engagements

Marc Lewis Speaks at Pincus Professional Education’s 20th Annual Federal Court Boot Camp

Earlier this month, Marc Lewis had the opportunity to speak at Pincus Professional Education’s 20th Annual Federal Court Boot Camp: The Nuts and Bolts, an event dedicated to educating attorneys about the ins and outs of practicing in Federal Court.  The panel consisted of both sitting and retired Federal Court judges, and seasoned litigators.

Announcements Speaking Engagements

Lewis & Llewellyn in the Community

Paul Llewellyn recently spoke to students at University College Dublin, Sutherland School of Law about his path to becoming a lawyer, the importance of service in the profession, and leading the charge towards a more humane and compassionate legal industry.

While in Europe, Paul also hosted a London celebration in honor of his Amazon Bestselling book Unshackled: Reimagining the Practice of Law.   It was a wonderful event, and we always appreciate the opportunity to reconnect with friends and colleagues in person.

Announcements Speaking Engagements

Lewis & Llewellyn in the Community: Paul Llewellyn on The Game Changing Attorney Podcast

Last week Paul sat down with Michael Mogill in Atlanta to discuss his best-selling book, Unshackled: Reimagining the Practice of Law, for an upcoming episode of Michael’s podcast, The Game Changing Attorney.  Every episode focuses on law firm entrepreneurs and market leaders who challenge the status quo and define what it means to be a game changer.

Announcements Speaking Engagements

Paul Llewellyn Presents Webinar on COVID-19 and Commercial Real Estate

On April 14 at 3:00 p.m., Lewis & Llewellyn partner Paul Llewellyn will join Ryan Harding and Jennifer Frisk of commercial real estate firm Newmark Knight Frank, to present a free webinar on COVID-19 and Commercial Real Estate.  The panel will share their insights and tips on, among other things, rent abatement and reduction during the current crisis, the outlook for commercial real estate, as well as more general tips about working remotely and keeping a team motivated and engaged during the current climate.  To learn more about the webinar, or to register, click here.

Announcements Speaking Engagements

Ryan Erickson and Paul Llewellyn Lecture in Europe

In early March, Lewis & Llewellyn partners Ryan Erickson and Paul Llewellyn traveled to Europe to discuss the firm’s groundbreaking work bringing civil lawsuits on behalf of survivors of sexual violence.  The pair first traveled to University College Dublin where, at the invitation of the University’s Institute of Criminology and Criminal Justice, they delivered the faculty’s Distinguished Guest Lecture.  They then traveled to the United Kingdom where, in conjunction with the University of Oxford’s Faculty of Law, the Bonavero Institute of Human Rights, and Oxford Lawyers Without Borders, they addressed students and faculty in a presentation entitled “Fighting Back: U.S. Litigation In The #MeToo Era.”  Lewis & Llewellyn looks forward to fostering closer ties with these prestigious universities.

Announcements Speaking Engagements

Paul Llewellyn and Ryan Erickson to Lecture at the University of Oxford and University College Dublin

In two weeks, Lewis & Llewellyn partners Paul Llewellyn and Ryan Erickson will travel to Europe to discuss the firm’s groundbreaking work pursuing civil lawsuits on behalf of survivors of sexual violence.  In 2012, before the #MeToo movement had begun, the firm represented a childhood survivor of horrific sexual abuse perpetrated by two California teachers.  The case garnered worldwide media attention and together with two other victims from the same school, concluded with the largest ever sexual abuse settlement by a school district in United States history.  Since then, in addition to its core business litigation expertise, the firm has earned a reputation as one of the country’s leading firms pursuing justice on behalf of survivors of sexual abuse.

In conjunction with the University of Oxford’s Faculty of Law, the Bonavero Institute of Human Rights, and Oxford Lawyers Without Borders, Llewellyn and Erickson will address students and faculty from this prestigious university in a presentation entitled “Fighting Back: U.S. Litigation In The #MeToo Era.”  More information about the lecture can be found here.

Llewellyn and Erickson will then head to University College Dublin.  2020 marks the 20th anniversary of the establishment of University’s Institute of Criminology and Criminal Justice.  The Institute has planned a series of special events to celebrate this landmark occasion, and the pair are honored to have been invited to give a lecture to students and faculty there as part of the special events.

Announcements Speaking Engagements

Lewis & Llewellyn in the Community

Our attorneys were busy last month presenting on all aspects of civil litigation.  Ryan Erickson and Evan Burbidge returned to the California Superior Court Boot Camp Conference hosted by Pincus Professional Education, giving presentations on “Mastering Oral Argument” and “How to Prepare for Trial.”  Becca Furman moderated a panel for the Bar Association of San Francisco on best practices for working with in-house counsel.  Paul Llewellyn presented at Bridgeport CLE’s trial preparation program on preparing witnesses for trial.  And Ryan Erickson and Nick Saenz traveled to UCLA to speak to law students about prosecuting and defending trade secret disputes.

Also in October, Marc Lewis spent two intensive days at NPR’s How I Built This Summit, a gathering of successful entrepreneurs.  Marc met with many groundbreaking builders and innovators including the founders of Instagram, JetBlue, Bliss, Slack, Away, Urban One, and others.  Programming included several small sessions where Marc discussed business fundamentals, personal and organizational leadership, and innovation with other entrepreneurs.

Announcements Speaking Engagements

Lewis & Llewellyn in the Community

Last week, Lewis & Llewellyn partner Paul Llewellyn was a featured speaker at the Practising Law Institute’s Pocket MBA 2019 program.  This two-day intensive course was designed for non-accountants, in-house and law firm attorneys looking to improve their understanding of business strategies and accounting fundamentals taught by a faculty from elite accounting and law firms, private equity investors, bankers, consultants and academics.

And on November 1, 2019, Lewis & Llewellyn partners Evangeline Burbidge and Ryan Erickson will be speaking at Pincus Professional Education’s Superior Court Boot Camp in San Francisco on “Mastering Oral Argument” and “How to Prepare for Trial.”  This full day program will focus on the nuts and bolts of litigating in California State Court from the filing of a complaint to post-trial motions and appeals.  To learn more about the program, or to register, click here.