January 1, 2023 will see the introduction of hundreds of new laws in California.  While most will go unnoticed by the vast majority of the public, here are just a handful of new laws which will likely have widespread impact.


Jaywalking rules relaxed: Police officers will be prohibited from stopping or citing people for jaywalking “unless a reasonably careful person would realize there is an immediate danger” of a collision with a vehicle or bicyclist.  In other words, pedestrians will no longer be cited for crossing the street outside of a crosswalk, unless they are in immediate danger of being hit.


Increase to minimum wage: Beginning on January 1, 2023, all California employers, regardless of size, must provide their employees a minimum wage of not less than $15.50 per hour.  Many California cities, including San Francisco, already have ordinances in place that mandate a higher minimum wage.


Abortion rules eased: Nurse practitioners will now be able to perform first-trimester abortions without a doctor’s supervision.  This is one of about a dozen new laws intended to increase abortion access in California, some of which have already taken effect.


Rape kit DNA: Police departments will be prohibited from using the DNA profile of sexual assault survivors in investigations of unrelated crimes.  The new law was proposed after it came to light that the San Francisco Police Department was using DNA from rape kits to identify suspects in unrelated crimes, prompting a national outcry.


Restriction on fur sales: Finally, in a blow to fashionistas, the sale and manufacture of new fur clothing and accessories will be outlawed.  The law passed in 2019, but legislators delayed implementation until 2023 to give retailers time to unload their inventories.  Retailers can still sell secondhand fur clothing or décor and the ban will not apply to faux fur.  The new law does not apply to leather, taxidermied animals, cowhides and the full skin of deer, sheep and goats.


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